Recorded Presentations

TALK Line: Telephone Aid in Living with Kids – an Online Overview

Unlock Parental Support in the Bay Area with Safe & Sound’s TALK Line! This introduction gives a peek into the TALK Line – a unique peer support line by and for Bay Area parents and caregivers. During this overview we will go over how the talk line functions, our key frameworks and values, dive into how we use peer support on the line, provide more details about how our follow-up program is coupled with in-the moment support for parents, and more! 

Working From Home and Home Ergonomics

In the age of Covid-19, so many of us have transitioned to a busy work-from-home environment, spending many more hours sitting in front of a computer screen than we are accustomed to. It is easy to forget that we must practice the same health and safety measures at our home workstations that we do in the office. Join us for a informative training that will include best practices for working from home, conducting direct services from home and ways you can improve your ergonomic set up to avoid pain and discomfort.